What this is all about

Published on 7 February 2024 at 23:52

Blogs: I find writing fun, therapeutic and have always wanted a place to do it.  I would love to share my thoughts, ideas, and of course all the content that I have within the pages of this website!  Social media is not the platform that is conducive to what I have in mind, for that place is for the lurkers and the fake.  If you are here, it’s because you want to be.  I also find that laughter is the best medicine and there is always something to laugh about.  I have stories...  Some of them are at the expense of others, like my sister.  She was such an interesting child…Some are just random thoughts, experiences and jokes.  My kids and grandkids have said some pretty funny things that warrant sharing as well.

I have a list of topics I want to write about.  I love lists, and that list grows every day.  Some of the topics are funny, some are about awareness, and some are serious. I don’t think I know everything about everything and that my opinion is the best, but if by sharing (and maybe oversharing) some thoughts and experiences someone learns something, feels not so alone, feels compelled to speak up, or whatever, then it’s worth it to me. 

Information: I’ve collected a lot of patterns, images, recipes, instructions, etc. that I’d like to share!  I have friends who are interested in many different things, so I figured why not put it all in one place?  The list is never-ending, and there will be more topics added as time goes on.  I’ll always be learning…I hope to hear from you as well, with ideas and information that I can add to this site. 

Sharing: I’m using this website as a place to show and save photos of things I’ve made, things my loved ones have made (that they’ll let me share), photos and videos (like a cool concert from this past year from a band some of you might be interested in checking out) and more! 


Something fun to do!  I’ve been really enjoying working on putting this website together. I have organized and reorganized photos, images, pages, etc.  I have had to redo a lot of things as I have gone along, because I’m still learning.  If you’re expecting a well laid out, professional site, this isn’t it.  Hahaha!!  

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